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Running the GeoNight together

European night of geography, April 9th 2021

On April 9th, the European night of geography (GeoNight) will be held throughout Europe and beyond. The GeoNight is a network of events open to the public dedicated to the promotion of geography and organized within the framework of the EUGEO (Association of Geographical Societies in Europe).
On this occasion, our degree course, in collaboration with the AIIG - Italian Association of Geography Teachers, organizes a non-competitive "geographical run" through the streets of the historic center of Florence.
To participate, no training or special requirements are required. The modalities of participation will comply with the containment measures of the pandemic, and will be communicated close to the event. 
You are all invited to confirm your participation by 1 April by writing to:
The description of the event follows.
Download the flyer in English or Italian
"In the last year, the measures to contain the pandemic forced us to live almost exclusively into our “private” and domestic space, and to give up all those sharing and socializing activities that characterize students’ life in the city. Being inspired by the growing international debate on the “run as a method”, the students of the Master’s degree in Geography of Florence University propose a non-competitive run through the streets of the historic center, with the aim to highlight the importance of the student population in city life and to explore new ways of living and sharing urban public spaces"

12 March 2021


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