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The Master's program is designed to cultivate expertise in spatial analysis and spatial management, with a particular focus on urban space. It aims to develop theoretical, methodological, and technical competences for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and disseminating socio-spatial data, as well as creating cartographic material through GIS. Thematically, the curriculum pays particular attention to the ongoing complex socio-spatial transformations of cities, the composition of holistic planning for local development, and the enhancement of both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The program, conducted entirely in English to meet international labor market demands, fosters a multicultural environment essential for achieving educational and professional skills. Active student participation in diverse educational activities is also central to the program's commitment to providing a comprehensive and globally relevant geographical education.

Cover image

Mobility program "Erasmus italiano". Second call - Deadline: September 23  

GIS for the analysis of environment and space. Course start date and schedule

International conference: "Università e cooperazione. Le sfide contemporanee". VIII Congresso CUCS 2024 - University of Florence September 12-14, 2024  

Mobility program "Erasmus italiano". Selection results

Tutoring service for students. Angeliki Coconi is the students' tutor for the A.Y. 2024-2025. 

Erasmus italiano / Italian Erasmus program. Opportunity for mobility / Deadline: July 15

Harmoni fiesta - June 14, 2024 (5 p.m.) An event to celebrate the end of academic year together 

Attraverso le cascine. A creative geography workshop at Parco delle Cascine in Firenze (June 15, 2024)

BIP call for mobility results. 

Call for Mobility BIP Miradas sobre la ciudad published. Deadline is May 6 at1 p.m. 

Corso di perfezionamento. Riconoscimento e tutela del patrimonio culturale in contesti di crisi

Career day 2024. Il 7 maggio 2024 si terrà l'edizione 2024 del Career day dell'Università di Firenze e le lezioni saranno sospese / On May 7, 2024, the Career day of the University of Florence takes place and teaching is suspended. All students are invited to participate. 

SPAZIO POETICO. L’università come laboratorio transitorio per corpi in fermento/The university as a transitional laboratory for bodies in ferment.

Study plan submission. Second slot is open from March 20 to May 24    

Settimana didattica internazionale. From March 4 to March 8

Erasmus meeting. Incontro informativo online 16 GENNAIO 2024 - ORE 15.00

Corso di perfezionamento. Riconoscimento e tutela del patrimonio culturale in contesti di crisi

La montagna e la città . Calendario di incontri online

Research workshop. Spazi di confine: Nel cavo della città densa (5-9 febbraio 2023)

Bando tutorato. Deadline: 3 dicembre 2023

Settimana della ricerca. 20-24 novembre 2023 / 23 novembre 2023

Autumn aperitivo. November 16, 5 p.m.

Study plan submission. First slot is open from October 16 to November 20

International seminar . Housing crisis in Greece: causes, effects, and possible solutions (October 6, 2023, 11 am)

Bando pubblico. Selezione di orientatori junior e senior nella transizione scuola-università

Public selection announcement. Percorso di Eccellenza sulle Eredità Culturali (PEsEC) 2023-2024

Biblioteca Umanistica. Assistenza alla ricerca bibliografica/Bibliographic research assistance

Tutoring service for students. Laura Cacciamani is the new tutor for the A.Y. 2023-2024

PER-Università Service. Opening of the new "permesso di soggiorno" (residence permit) service for non-EU students

Lectures begin. The new academic year begins on September 18th.

2nd Open Day. September 7, 2023, 12 pm

Open day. July 24, 2023 (online only)

Year-end aperitivo . June 29 at Parco dell'Orticoltura, Firenze

Urban laboratory. "I live in Florence" (May 23-24-30-31 & June 21, 2023)

Open day in presence. June 27 at the Biblioteca Umanistica (piazza Brunelleschi, Florence)

Firenze Community Hack. Festival dell'economia civile

Mobilita' Progetto BIP Erasmus . Miradas sobre la ciudad - Estudio interdisciplinar de los centros históricos

Thesis guidelines. 

Study plan submission . Deadline: 21 April 2023

Rural beautification. International seminar - 16 March 2023

Spring semester. General information and upcoming events

Students' evalutation. Geography got the highest evaluation among the SAGAS Master's Degrees in the last year

Bando tutor disciplinari. Scadenza 10 gennaio 2023

Musei e decolonialità. Giornata di studi, 15/16 dicembre 2022

Visiting professor announcement. Sebastián Villamizar-Santamaría (CUNY Graduate Center, New York)

Progetto Students4students. Opportunità di tirocinio nel supporto alla didattica nella scuola secondaria

Field excursion. Pics from a field excursion in Livorno

International conference. Cultural heritage in fragile contexts (November 10-11, 2022)

Study plan submission. First slot is open until November 21, 2022.

Geographic aperitivo. October 27 at 5,30 p.m.

Notice on anthropology classes. For students enrolled in the second year

Open call. Percorso di eccellenza sulle eredità culturali, 2022-2023 edition

IMPORTANT: Start of the semester. Starting of the lectures postponed

Call for ARDSU accommodation. Deadline for application is September 6 (1 p.m.)

Lectures schedule. The lectures schedule for the first semester (2022-2023) is online

OPEN DAY. July 11th, 2022, at 11 a.m. (online only)

Patrimonio e diversità culturale. International conference on May 19th, 2022

Sguardi sul territorio. An artistic multimedia installation at the Mercato di Sant'Ambrogio (Firenze, May 14-30)

Program evalutation by students. The Master Degree was the most appreciated by students at SAGAS in the a.y. 2020-2021

Evento scientifico 29 marzo 2022. Ripensare le città d’arte dopo il Covid 19: il centro storico di Firenze

Seminar series. Decolonizing Museums. Perspectives from Around the World

Educazione e territorio . Giornata di formazione: Educazione, territorio, e rigenerazione dei saperi (9 marzo 2022)

New seminar series. Geographies of geography

Reading group (3rd meeting). Reading (through) space - Thursday December 9 at 15:00 in Aula Parva

Internship opportunity. Paid internship at the EUI in Fiesole

Online reading group (2nd meeting). Reading (through) space - Tuesday November 16 (3 p.m.)

New tutor announcement. 

Study plan submission. Study plan can be submitted until Novembre 12, 2021

Open reading group. Reading (through) space

Scholarship announcement. Two scholarships of 1.500 euros are offered by SAGAS Department

Call for admission. Percorso di eccellenza sulle eredità culturali - 2021/2022 edition

Class attendance. Important information upon the start of classes in the first semester

Interdisciplinary seminar. Understanding the urban - First semester 2021-2022

Urban innovation lab. Students imagine the Florence of tomorrow

Elezioni studentesche. Biennio 2022-2023

Corso di formazione in webinar. Cibo, città, territorio. Educare alla sostenibilità e al consumo responsabile.

Avviso di seminario online. La svolta delicata, oltre nature e culture (30 Aprile 2021)

In-class teaching resumed. from April 19

Study-plan for 2021-2022. 

European GeoNight - April 9th. Important updates

IMPORTANT: Tuscany in red zone. From Monday 29 March

Seminar notice - March 24th 2021. Dr. Heike Mages: The European network of URBACT

Global Model United Nations (GMUN). Applications are open

Seminar notice. EU Funding System – The urban dimension in the EU Cohesian Policy

Running the GeoNight together. European night of geography, April 9th 2021

Cycle of seminars. Society and social change in Europe

SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY (IYT). Dedicated to newly enrolling students in 2021-2022 coming from eligible countries

Seminar notice. Settimana internazionale della didattica SAGAS

Lectures schedule update (15-02). with information on class attendance

Archaeology class. moodle page activated

Iniziativa Students4Students. Servizio di tutoraggio a supporto della didattica

Dislocating urban studies. Digital workshop series

Lectures schedule update. Second semester (only for courses delivered in english)

Call for internship/bando tirocinio. 187 Tirocini con il nuovo Bando MAECI – MUR – CRUI

Webinar notice. Afghanistan - Sguardi geografici e non solo (12/02/2021)

Geografia per la cittadinanza. Officine geografiche AIIG 2020 / 13-14 novembre

Study plan submission. From November 9th to December 9th, 2020

Bando tutor /tutorship call. DEADLINE: October 18, 1 p.m.

Important: online classes only. From October 26th all classes will be online only

Scholarship. Scholarhip dedicated to newly enrolled students - Deadline October 30



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