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Scholarship announcement

Two scholarships of 1.500 euros are offered by SAGAS Department

Dear students, 

we are pleased to announce that SAGAS Department offers two scholarships of 1.500 euros, one based on merit and one on income, for Italian or foreign students who have obtained a bachelor's degree in a University other than the University of Florence and are enrolled in the first year of the Master Degree. 

To participate, students must be enrolled by 10/30/2021. Furthermore, non-European students must have the 'permesso di soggiorno' (residence permit) or have submitted an application to obtain it.
It is possible to submit the application to both the scholarships. 
More specific information and the application form are available at the following link (in Italian).
To receive support in the application procedure, you can contact Prof. Matteo Puttilli

22 September 2021


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