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Study plan submission

Study plan can be submitted until Novembre 12, 2021

Dear students, 

we inform you that the slot for submitting or modifying your study plan is open until November 12th, 2021. 

The study plans can be submitted online from the website of the School of Humanities and Education:

We remind you that along the academic year there are two alternative periods for presenting the study plan: 

  • first period (from October 8th to November 12th)
  • second period (from March 15th to May 2nd)

Please consider that those who submit the study plan can't modify it in the second slot, unless they are on the way of getting their degree. 

Thus, we strongly suggest first year students to wait for the second slot to submit the plan; on the contrary, students of subsequent years can use the first slot to modify their study plan.

If you need assistance on the submission procedure, please contact the tutor Elisa Ricci


10 October 2021


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