Dear students,
we are pleased to announce a seminar series organized in the framework of the Laboratory of Social Geography (LaGeS) of the University of Florence.
The seminar series is titled: Geographies of geography and it is primarily intended to start a discussion about the discipline of geography (see the poster below).
Geography as a discipline may have a large global foot print. However, what geographers do differ across contexts. Context here is defined very loosely; it can be a research cluster, a linguistic group, or a country/region. To have a dialogue between these contexts, we invited researchers (a mix of both established and early-career) to discuss their work within some framing questions:
1. What questions do geographers ask?
2. How do they find answers to these questions?
3. How do these questions and answers eventually contribute (or not) to the ‘discipline’ of geography within and beyond the contexts?
4. What ‘skills’ should one possess to be called a ‘geographer’?
We have the 8 talks planned, details of which are in the poster attached.
Please note that all talks will be held online and will have a live audience at LaGeS (talk on 18 February is expected to be in-presence). It would be really great if you could come to via San Gallo 10 and we can attend the talks together. If you have any questions or comments, and in order to attend in presence, please feel free to contact Panos Bourlessas (panagiotis.bourlessas@unifi.
The first talk of the series is on 28 January, which will be held online.
Zoom link to Join: LINK
Meeting ID: 989 7873 9188
Passcode: 180538
Abstract: With entire regions enveloped in toxic smog for several weeks each year, a vibrant debate has emerged in South Asia about the causes and possible interventions. The media has taken a particular interest in this issue in India, but coverage is largely sporadic and often alarmist. Many civil society initiatives pressure the state to enact and, more importantly, enforce environmental regulations—meanwhile, several small and large businesses market commodities that produce localized and personalized domes of clean air.
Among other things, the flows of air do not map neatly with spatial units, which means that a geographic lens has to be developed rather than deployed. This talk will outline the contours of such a framework, building on questions of history, scale, and the politics of knowledge while foregrounding environmental justice. It will also show how, rather than a distanced critique that scholarship typically offers, living and breathing in Delhi engenders critical empathy towards practitioners since they realize both the inadequacy and necessity of their actions.
We look forward to seeing you at the seminars,
The Degree Committee