We are pleased to announce that the sixth edition of the International Teaching Week of the SAGAS Department will take place from March 4th to 8th.
The teaching week offers a rich variety of seminars and meetings dedicated to students of the degree courses of the Department, including Geography.
The appointments related to our degree course are as follows:
- March 6, 2024, 11:00 AM, Room 1, via Capponi 9, Dr. Sara Mori will illustrate the electronic resources of the Humanities Library.
- March 5, 2:00 PM, Parva Room of the SAGAS Department, Lecture by Prof. Jason Dittmer, Department of Geography, University College London (Geography, Spatial Management and Heritage For International Cooperation) - The Geopolitics of Military and Colonial Heritage.
The complete program of the week is available at the following link: https://www.sagas.unifi.it/art-392-vi-settimana-didattica-internazionale-sulle-eredita-culturali.html