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Harmoni fiesta - June 14, 2024 (5 p.m.)

An event to celebrate the end of academic year together 

Harmoni fiesta - June 14, 2024 (5 p.m.)

Dear students, 

We are excited to invite you to a special event, "Harmoni Fiesta ," designed to celebrate and share the diverse experiences of studying at the University of Florence and living in the city of Florence.

This event aims to foster cultural exchange, storytelling, and connection among students from different backgrounds.

Event Details: 

- Date: 14th June,2024-Friday
- Time: 5 pm.
- Location: Giardino Dell'Orticoltura.


Read the flyer for information regarding how to participate!


We believe that sharing our diverse experiences and cultural backgrounds enriches our community and strengthens our bonds as members of the University community. "Harmoni Fiesta" provides an opportunity for us to come together, learn from each other, and celebrate our individual and collective journeys.

The event is organized and managed under the coordination of the peer of yours Sundus Anwar ( If you are interested in supporting us in the preparation, please let us know. You find Sundus contacts in the attached flyer too. 

We look forward to seeing you at the event and sharing this experience together. Please RSVP by filling the form linked in the flyer or available here by 10th June,2024 to confirm your attendance.
All the best
The Degree Committee

31 May 2024


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