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International conference: "Università e cooperazione. Le sfide contemporanee"

VIII Congresso CUCS 2024 - University of Florence September 12-14, 2024  

We are pleased to inform all students that from September 12 to 14, 2024, the University of Florence and the SAGAS Department will host the 8th edition of the CUCS (University Coordination for Development Cooperation) network, titled: "Universities and Cooperation: Contemporary Challenges."

The conference is dedicated to exploring, from a comparative and transdisciplinary perspective, the multiple challenges that the world of cooperation – understood as collaboration between partners from different contexts, with equal rights and responsibilities, working towards equitable and sustainable development – is called to face in the contemporary world.

The theme of the conference, and more specifically that of Session 9 on "Cultural Heritage, Territorial Development, and Inclusive Participation in Development Cooperation," is strongly aligned with the content of our Master's program.

Attendance is free for students upon registration at this link.

A full presentation of the conference, as well as the session schedule, is available here and attached below.

We would be grateful if some students were available to support the organizing committee during the conference with tasks related to logistics and the registration desk.

If any students are interested, please contact Professor Matteo Puttilli (

We look forward to seeing you at the conference.

The Degree Committee


04 September 2024


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