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Festival della Diplomazia

Attendance to the event Tendenze e Opportunità nella Cooperazione Internazionale run by the Italian Agency for International Cooperation.

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Puttilli and Jonathan Gogoua, a representative from the Master's Degree program, participated on behalf of the University of Florence in an initiative held as part of the Festival della Diplomazia. This two-day event, titled Tendenze e Opportunità nella Cooperazione Internazionale (October 21–22, 2024), was organized by the Italian Agency for International Cooperation (AICS).

During the event, AICS presented its international cooperation initiatives, providing valuable insights into internships and employment opportunities for students in the field.

On the second day, the delegation had the honor of attending a Lectio Magistralis by the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Hon. Baizaba Masudi, titled Partenariat de l'Italie avec la République Démocratique du Congo en matière de protection de l'environnement et de développement durable.

We extend our gratitude to AICS for the invitation.

The Degree Committee

25 October 2024


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