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Students' evalutation

Geography among the top-rated degrees in the School of Humanities and Education 

Students' evalutation

We are proud to announce that, continuing the trend of previous years, the Master's Program in Geography, Spatial Management, Heritage for International Cooperation has achieved one of the highest evaluations among the Master's Degrees within the SAGAS Department for the 2023–2024 academic year. This recognition is based on the 16-criteria evaluation conducted by students.

The program received scores exceeding 9 out of 10 in 10 of the 13 criteria and came close to 9 in the remaining three. Notably, all fields showed an improvement compared to the previous year.

We are deeply grateful to our students for this invaluable feedback. Their suggestions and evaluations will guide us as we continue to enhance the curriculum. While we celebrate this accomplishment, we firmly believe there is always room for improvement.

We welcome further recommendations—or even better, your ideas!

For more detailed data and information, please visit this link

The Degree Committee


03 December 2024


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